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UX Cam is Here To Tackle Usability Issues With Its Great Filters

There was a time when app developers had to struggle hard to detect and combat UX problems. These bugs deteriorated their app effectiveness, making it less desirable to the audience. Who would want to use an app that does not promise ease? App developers had very few or no tools to solve these issues until UXCam stepped in the scene.

UxCam is the ultimate solution that aids in optimizing app functionality. It monitors and interprets user interactions with the app. It does the filtration work, i.e. it brings out only the most essential users and sessions. From a broad audience, you can filter out the target group with this filtration. When the target group is sorted, you identify bugs and crashes and build functional strategies for your target audience.

Precisely, UXCam gives the benefit of two great filters, namely User Filters and Session Filters.

The User Filter

The user filter provides you with the benefit of viewing several user segments. It is divided into three categories, namely user, device and engagement.

The User Category In User Filter

With the help of this category, you can filter and study your audience. For instance, this one can filter countries, and let you know the behaviour of users towards your app from a particular country. This way, you can build the perfect marketing strategy for different countries. The users of a specific country are never similar to the users of others, and thus there is a need to create different strategies for different countries. UXCam lets you do just that.

The Device Category In User Filter

Different devices deliver different app experiences. For instance, there are some apps that go best with mobile phones, but turn tricky to handle on PCs. This category lets you find the user behaviour and experience of your app on a particular device. This further helps in improving the lacking areas of your app.

The Engagement Category In User Filter

For the ones who considered it impossible to track the duration and frequency of app visits by the users, UXCam has done the magic for you. Yes, the engagement category helps you filter out the audience that visits more frequently and the group that doesn’t. It lets you get an idea about how often and for how long do the users use your application. This is a great measure to test the love your app is receiving.

The User Segment Filter

The user segment filter does more than you could ever expect with a filter. How? It helps you segment your users. Suppose you launched the app an year back and you want to check the most loyal users. You also want to know who all checked your app once and never returned again. The segment filter gives answers to all these questions. When you have crisp and manageable data like this, you can further research about the reasons for people leaving your app and what is it that’s making some users stick to it. When you know the complete study, solutions start coming your way, and you make the best possible changes to attract more audience and maintain the previous ones. This user segment filter helps you make decisions regarding the attraction of user numbers and keeping their consistency.

The Session Filter

This one helps you filter out the sessions for your app. The session filter caters to a number of categories, namely, user, device, session properties, UX issues, time and session segments.

The User Category In Session Filter

This category helps you filter out sessions for your users. For instance, you can select a device language. Now, the filter will simply showcase the sessions from a group of users that make use of that specific device language. Similarly, you can also choose sessions based on session number, region name, country or user name. This helps you state how your app is used in these categories and how the usage differs from others.

The Device Category In Session Filter

These talk about filter options related to the device. Multiple options like platform, device names and device class will appear. Using this filter, you can get to know how users use a particular version of your application. Then, comparisons with other versions can be made.

Session Properties

This helps you to filter out a specific session attribute or property. If you want to know the sessions that appeared on a particular screen, you simply have to type the screen name in the filter bar. All the sessions that visited that screen will appear. Other session properties like session length can also be tested with this filter.

UX Issues

The best user experience is when it lacks any bugs. Yes, user experience depends on ease, and it can be improved when you get to know the lacking areas. You can effectively filter out the sessions that are facing a particular bug. This way, you get to see where you need to work on now.


Filter out the sessions that were recorded on a particular day. You can also look at the sessions on weekends and weekdays.

Session Segments

Segments help you filter out the sessions that are most needed. Failures are part and parcel of app management, but you need to know about them at least. You can figure out the sessions that crashed, the reasons behind it, and what you can do further, all with the help of session segments.

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