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How to Organize the Downloads and Files on Chromebook

Chromebook doesn’t usually care if you are storing files in the local space. However, sometimes some devices have 64 GB of space, so it might make you worry about where to put the files. Well, it is necessary to keep important files safe. Along with safety, you should keep a copy of the files as well. 

Know More about Storing Files into Chromebook Chromebook is a lot more similar to Android devices when it comes to downloading and saving files. You get an additional downloads folder. However, you can select another spot when downloading the file. From moving files to deleting the files, the system of managing the files is completely in the hands of the user.

  • The downloaded files will not be stored in Google Drive until you do it by yourself. You need to put the files into Google Drive from File Manager.

  • The files on the “Downloads” folder are allowed to be removed when Chromebook is low on space.

Things are quite simple if you move forward the right way. However, there are still plenty of options related to storing the files into Chromebook. You still have the option of removable devices and SD cards. Chromebook has some great options to keep the files safe, including physical storage and cloud storage as well. How to Organize the Removable Storage? If you are looking for expanding the storage on Chromebook, the best option you have is using the SD card, external drive or thumb drive. These devices work well with Chromebook, and here is how you can manage them with Chromebook.

  1. Attach the “SD Card” or “USB Drive” with Chromebook.

  2. When the attachment happens, you will be notified by pop-up info that will inform the removable device has been attached. 

  3. Tap on the “Open Files App” option.

  4. When a files application opens, the storage device will have its own folder that appears, and with that, you can move the files easily.

  5. If you’re using the USB drive, it will get unplugged after the computing session. Tap on the “Eject” option.

One thing you need to remember is that these files are available there because you have attached the USB drive, SD card or external drive there. How to Manage the Files on Cloud? When you make a Google account, you also get a free 15GB space of Google Drive as well. The Google Drive in Chromebook is just like an additional flash storage.

  1. Launch “Files Application.”

  2. On the left side tab, “Google Drive” will appear. 

  3. When you access Google Drive, you will be able to access every file similar to the local file until you are “online.”

  4. You are allowed to create a folder when you are unable to access the internet by right-clicking on the following folder and choose “Available offline.”

Google Drive is also a great option to manage the files. You can create folders and move files the same way as you always do in the local storage. You can even use it in the web browser. 

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