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Agents of SHIELD: 6 Ways Coulson Changed From Season 1 To The Finale

Agents of SHIELD is an American TV series released in the year 2013. It is based on the Marvel comics and on an organization SHIELD, which is a spy agency in the world of superheroes. SHIELD stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. The main character in this series is Agent Phil Coulson, and the character role is portrayed by Clark Gregg in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, Agents of SHIELD has come to an end, and the changing story of Agent Coulson is one of its most significant plots.

However, it might be possible that Agent Coulson can appear in the MCU movies in the future, but the story of his character has ended in the Agents of SHIELD series. His character included various new elements in each season of the series and this is the reason that changed the way the fans view him.

Here are some of the ways showing how Agent Coulson changed over the series.

He Learned The Truth About TAHITI

In the film, The Avengers, Agent Coulson was killed by Loki, which was a shocking moment for all the fans of Coulson and when they got to know that he survived the attack of Loki and would be getting a series, it became more shocking for the fans. According to season 1 of the Agents of SHIELD series, Coulson believed that he went to Tahiti on vacation to recover. Later, he uncovered the truth and got to know that he was the subject of project TAHITI. It was a procedure to revive him and alter his memories by using Kree DNA.

He Became Director

At the end of season 1 of the Agents of SHIELD series, Nick Fury, the Director of SHIELD played a drama of his fake death and went underground. Before disappearing, he made Agent Coulson the new Director of SHIELD and also gave him a task to rebuild the organization from the start. Later, under the leadership of Agent Coulson, the organization was able to wipe out HYDRA entirely and won the war against Inhumans.

He Retired

According to the finale of the series Agents of SHIELD, most of the SHIELD members were shown retired, and the journey of Agent Coulson also came to an end. Some of the members of the group remained at SHIELD such as Daisy, Yo-Yo. However, Coulson was retired but still retained his connections to the SHIELD.

He Started A Relationship With May

In the Agents of SHIELD series, Coulson has been in many relationships, but the most romantic relationship of Agent Coulson was with his fellow agent and his long-time partner, Melinda May. Their real and true feelings came in the season 4 of the series when they were replaced by artificial versions of themselves during the LMD arc.

He Lost An Arm

In season 2 of the Agents of SHIELD, Fitz killed Gordon in a fight, and after that Agent Coulson grabbed a Terrigen crystal to stop it from falling on the ground to save Mack and Fitz. As Coulson was not an Inhuman, the crystal began to turn him into stone. To save Coulson from entirely turning into stone, Mack chopped his arm with an ax. Later, Fitz created an enhanced prosthetic arm for Coulson. The new arm created by Fitz was full of features and abilities required in a fight.

He’s No Longer Director

There were a lot of shifting roles, and leadership was seen in season 4 of the Agents of SHIELD. In this season, Coulson lost his position as Director and was replaced by Jeffery Mace. However, Coulson would regain the position but because of him dying it would be replaced again and this time with Agent Mack.

After discussing all the six ways how Coulson changed from season 1 to the finale, we have concluded that Agent Coulson was one of the main characters in the team of SHIELD and even though, he died at the end without any reputed title added along with his name, he still considered being one of the best leaders of SHIELD.

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