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7 Benefits of using Google Analytics for your SEO Campaign

Google Analytics is an analytics tool that allows you to collect, analyze, and present meaningful data about your website visitors. It allows you to understand how a visitor interacts with your website. Besides this, you can also use Google analytics for further refining of your SEO campaigns.

There are many benefits of using Google Analytics for your SEO campaigns like the performance of your keywords, page issues, and much more. So, let’s go over the benefits of using Google analytics for your SEO campaign

It’s Free

 There are many seo tools in the market that charge an immense amount of money for their service. But not Google Analytics. It is a free tool that has lots of great features and functionalities. Using its reports, you can identify most of the SEO issues related to your website. Amazing, right?

Understand the Impression of Your Website

Google Analytics allows you to understand the impression of your website. It enables you to track how many people visited your website and what is the bounce rate of your website. Using this information, you can optimize the pages with a high bounce rate and get your lost traffic back.

Identify New Keywords

Google Analytics is a great tool that can help you identify new keywords for your website. Using it, you can find what keywords or phrases that the users have been using to find your website. Using this information, you can create new content around those keywords or optimize your existing content to give your organic reach a big boost.

Identifying Broken Pages

Using Google Analytics, you can identify pages with a 404 error. To identify these pages, simply go to Behavior » Site Content » Content Drilldown and enter 404.html in the search box. Using this information, you can redirect visitors to other similar pages. This will enhance your site’s user experience and improve your site’s SEO.

Track Keywords Performance

In order to be visible on search engines, you must rank high in Google SERPs, and for that, you must keep tracking the performance of your keywords. Keywords are a very important part of SEO, and Google Analytics can help you in this too. Through its content drill-down report it can show you which keywords are attracting the most visitors. This will help you identify those keywords which are not getting any traffic so that you can replace them with new keywords.

Locate Your Customers

Another benefit of using google analytics is that it allows you to know the location of your visitors. Using this information, you can identify areas or countries that are getting you a lot of traffic. This will help you better understand your international audience and help you design your International SEO campaigns more easily and quickly. 

Analyze the Performance of SEO Campaigns

Don’ t know whether your last SEO campaign worked or not? Well, don’t worry, Google Analytics has got you covered. Using Google Analytics, you can analyze the results of your seo campaigns and see if the campaign worked. All you have to do is segment your analytics results by new /returning visitors, geographical location, and referral sources.


Google Analytics is a very powerful tool. Using it, you can not only study and understand your visitor’s online behavior, but you can also use it to refine your SEO efforts further.

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