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10 Tips For Starting A Twitch Channel

Twitch is a very popular live streaming platform. You may have watched live gaming on Twitch and wondered how you can start streaming. If so, here are 10 important tips for you to start a Twitch channel.

1. Make sure your mic works decently A big reason what makes people watch live streams is the fun commentary rather than the gameplay. This is why you need to keep in mind that you don’t sound like you are doing commentary next to a construction site. You don’t need a high-quality mic you just want it to make your voice clear. Alongside this, you can also use earbuds or a headset so that there is no feedback from speakers. 2. Have a good internet connection Again, you don’t need a light fast internet connection but it does need to be decent and stable. It just has to be fast enough to broadcast your video at 720p or more. 3. Get a webcam When you are live streaming, you need to interact with your viewers and definitely, your viewers would like to know what you look like. A webcam just takes your live streaming from zero to ten. Use a decent quality webcam and make sure that it can record at least 720p and produces good quality videos. 4. Make a HUD After setting the hardware, it’s time to decide the software. You can use OBS to do this but there are other alternatives like xSplit. You need to make your stream look good and make it stand out in the crowd. You can try putting a border around your webcam and make sure you allow a pop-up notification when someone follows or donates. 5. Stream something that people watch, but don’t stream If you are planning to stream popular games like Starcraft, Minecraft, League of Legends, or Hearthstone just drop the plan. You need to target such a game that many people watch but not a lot of people stream. For this, open the list of games on Twitch, and skip the first 10 to 20 games on the list. After that, start looking for the games you like, click on them, and see how many people are streaming. Go for something which is streamed my less than 30 people. This is done so that you can appear on the front page of a game. You want people to see your stream. If you appear on the first page you will get more views and not get buried under thousands of other people streaming the same game. 6. Get a chatbot Make sure you don’t view a bot, or you will get banned. While watching streams you probably have noticed someone either named Nightbot or Moobot. These are chatbots who keeps a check on the chat to make sure that no one posts links or anything else that could be dangerous. Make sure you don’t get a bot coming into your chat and have it post a malicious link, which one of your viewers might click and then get a virus. Make sure you don’t have to go through that. 7. Interact with your viewers Interact with your viewers and keep refreshing that viewer list. Say “Hello, welcome to the stream!” every time someone new joins the stream. Try to be nice, answer their questions, and even ask them questions. Try to have a good conversation with them. Do not pick a fight or argument with anyone and simply mute them if it’s annoying you. 8. Talk to someone when you are streaming When you start streaming, for a little while in the beginning, no one will be watching your stream. In that case, before you start streaming try setting up a Skype call with one of your friends. In case someone joins your stream sees that no one is talking, they are going to leave immediately. If you keep on talking to someone people will stick around in your streams. 9. Be consistent Try to prepare a stream schedule and stick with that. If you have your stream set at a particular day and time people are more likely to watch your stream than just streaming randomly. 10. Be persistent Streams can be really good or very bad. Not every stream is going to be up to your expectations. Random people may try to interrupt your stream and start harassing you or other viewers. Remember that things can go wrong when you stream. To establish a successful channel, you have to keep moving even when things go wrong.

Source : Twitch Channel

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